Caring for the Homeless with a Christ-Centered Approach

hands joined together at church

"If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." - James 2:15-17

Unfortunately, homelessness remains a grim reality for many individuals in the United States. In Pennsylvania alone, thousands of people lack safe shelter on any given night. This alarming fact speaks to our community's difficult realities. 

And homelessness is a challenge across all ages, races, and backgrounds; its effects are far-reaching as it carries severe consequences to physical health and implications on mental and emotional well-being.

At City Mission, we understand that homelessness is not only about the lack of housing but a multi-faceted problem that needs an expansive response to identify and tackle its root causes. Through providing individuals and families with access to resources and life-changing programs, our mission endeavors to help those affected gain stability & independence once again.

Our faith-based organization attempts to go beyond providing resources and services - by embracing Christ's unconditional love, we create holistic experiences that offer both physical renewal and spiritual nourishment backed by an abundance of compassion. Our commitment to this kind of individualized care is what sets us apart and makes us unique.

"The mission of City Mission is to share Christ with everyone who walks through our doors," said President/CEO, Dean Gartland. "And that becomes foundational to the success of our residents as they make their journey through our program."


What Does This Look Like for Our Residents? 

"And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'"- Matthew 25:40

City Mission aims to provide comfort and care to all in need. We recognize that everyone is valuable and worthy of respect regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or faith.

Just as the apostles were called upon to help "the least of these," our organization provides safe refuge for the homeless while also tending to their physical, emotional and spiritual needs, leveraging faith-based values such as kindness and love within an atmosphere grounded in Christian principles.

Incorporating Christian principles into the care of the homeless is crucial in creating a holistic and compassionate environment. By upholding values such as love, forgiveness, and selflessness, we hope to provide a sense of dignity and hope to those who may feel neglected by society and their community.

"Faith in Christ is the heart of City Mission," explained Director of Residential Programs, Leah Dietrich. "Everything we do throughout the organization is to share Christ's love in action. We really try to connect our residents with a spiritual foundation while they're here."

Through our mission to share Christ, shelter, heal, and restore the homeless to independent living, we truly fulfill the call to action outlined in Matthew chapter 25 to help those in need and demonstrate the power of love in action.


City Mission 2022 Highlights

In 2022, with the help of our donors and volunteers, we served over 1100 unique individuals and 116 jobs were obtained through our career training and education center. Below are additional highlights from last year.

 City Mission provided:

  • 105,440  Meals
  • 38,039   Bed Nights
  • 7,033     Bags of Food for the community
  • 17,412    Medical clinic services

* If you would like to learn more about our results in 2022, please review our 2022 Annual Report

We are thrilled to share the meaningful results of our supporters' contributions and are grateful to all who have supported our mission to serve the homeless with compassion, love, and faith.

Your generosity has allowed us to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those in need, and we hope that you will continue to partner with us in this important work.

As we move forward, we are devoted to reaching even more individuals and families who are struggling with homelessness.


Donate Today 

With your support, we can continue to provide shelter, healing, and a path toward independence.

Please consider donating today and help us make a difference in the lives of those seeking hope and a better future. Every donation, big or small, helps us fulfill this mission and bring light to those in need.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

You can send donations to the following address:  84 W. Wheeling Street, Washington, PA 15301. If you require additional donation information, please call us at:  (724) 222-8530.




April 13, 2023

Recent Articles

Making a Difference

Homeless man
July 24, 2024

5 Ways to Impact Homelessness in Washington, PA Homelessness remains a pressing issue here in Southwestern Pennsylvania, as it does in many communities across the nation. Addressing this issue effectively requires the effort and compassion of the entire community. Here are five ways you can contribute to meaningful change and help those in need right here in Washington, PA. Immediate Actions to Take These actions can provide direct and immediate help to those affected by homelessness in our community: Donating to Local Homeless Shelters When you donate to a local homeless shelter like City Mission, you're making a direct, immediate, and meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families struggling with homelessness right now. Every contribution, whether it's money, clothing, blankets, hygiene products, or non-perishable food, helps our organization provide the immediate support needed by those facing desperate situations. Volunteer Your Time and Skills Lending your time and skills to local shelters or organizations that assist the homeless is a powerful way to make a direct difference. By engaging in activities such as serving meals, teaching classes or Bible Studies, painting, landscaping, stuffing envelopes, or organizing donations, you not only contribute to the immediate needs of the homeless, but you also provide a sense of community, love, and support. Your involvement helps bring essential services to life, ensuring that those who are struggling receive both the tangible help and the human kindness they need. Whether it’s a few hours a month or a more regular commitment, your volunteering can transform lives in profound ways. One small and simple kindness can mean so much more to those in vulnerable situations than you can ever imagine. Support Local Affordable Housing Initiatives Local affordable housing initiatives, like the Washington County Housing Authority, partner with private and public agencies to develop and manage affordable housing opportunities for low-income families and individuals. By advocating for zoning changes, securing funding for new housing projects, refurbishing existing buildings, and other creative approaches, these initiatives work to increase the housing supply for those in greatest need. Long-term Solutions Contributing to these efforts can help support a cooperative and ongoing fight against homelessness: Educational Resources Increase your understanding and ability to help through these educational actions: Enhance Your Understanding of Homelessness Educating yourself about the challenges of homelessness, particularly in Washington, PA, is crucial for several reasons. A deeper understanding helps in developing empathy, promoting informed advocacy, and contributing effectively to solutions. Why It's Important: • Informed Advocacy: Knowledgeable individuals can advocate more effectively for necessary changes in policies and services. • Effective Volunteering: Understanding the complexities of homelessness allows volunteers to offer more sensitive and compassionate assistance. • Community Awareness: Raising awareness about the specific challenges faced by homeless individuals helps to reduce stigma and foster a supportive community environment. Specific Ways to Enhance Your Understanding: • Volunteer: Direct engagement through volunteering offers a hands-on way to understand the needs and daily challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness. • Follow Local Nonprofits on Social Media: Many organizations like City Mission post educational content on social media platforms, youtube, and email newsletters. This is an easy way to stay informed about local efforts and needs. • Attend Local and/or Remote Workshops and Seminars: Participate in events focused on homelessness to learn from experts and practitioners in the field. These can provide current statistics, trends, and discussions on effective interventions. • Read Relevant Literature: Seek out books, articles, and reports that discuss the causes and effects of homelessness, as well as successful strategies for addressing it. Local libraries or community centers often have resources curated to give insights into regional issues. • Join Community Discussions: Engage in or organize public forums and discussion groups that bring together community members to talk about homelessness. This can lead to shared understanding and collective action. Join Our Community Effort Tackling homelessness in Washington, PA, requires a concerted effort from all of us. By engaging in these immediate actions, supporting long-term solutions, and educating ourselves and others, we can make a significant difference. Let’s unite to create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone in our community.

A Community Working Together

City Mission President/CEO, Diana Irey Vaughan, with Washington Mayor, Jojo Burgess
July 16, 2024

Recently, the United States Supreme Court issued its opinion in the case of Grants Pass v. Johnson, which determined that the City of Grants Pass’s enforcement of criminal punishments against homeless individuals for sleeping and living outside within the city limits did not violate the “cruel and unusual punishment” clause of the Eighth Amendment. Previous courts have used the “cruel and unusual punishment” clause to prohibit such bans, so the Supreme Court’s recent decision gives more decision-making power to local communities regarding how they choose to address homelessness.For 83 years, we at City Mission have experienced our local community truly coming together to support the homeless. The City of Washington and the surrounding communities have not only supported our ministry for more than eight decades, but countless other meetings, resources, and services have been created by local agencies to help restore the homeless and those living on the brink of homelessness. And local government officials support these causes, provide additional services, and help facilitate connections among the local agencies. Homelessness is a very complex issue. There is no quick fix. It takes communities working together in lockstep to provide shelter, food, services, resources, help, and safe loving spaces where people can heal. And the Supreme Court’s recent acknowledgement that local agencies and communities are the right places to combat homelessness, doesn’t dissuade us at all from our calling to bring hope to the homeless. We have seen this community in action and that gives us faith that homeless individuals and families in Southwestern Pennsylvania can transform their lives and be restored to dignity, purpose, and independence.

Staff Spotlight

Audrey at her desk
July 11, 2024

Our new friend, Audrey Flanagan, has joined the City Mission team for an 8-week marketing internship in our Development department! Specifically, she is helping us market for our eight City Mission Thrift Stores. We are excited to introduce her to you! Audrey grew up in Imperial, PA. She is very close with her family and loves spending time with them, especially traveling and going to sporting events with her parents and her sister. She graduated from Oakland Catholic High School, where she was a rower on the Crew team and a member of the Student Council Executive Board. Currently, she’s enrolled at the University of Notre Dame, following in her older sister’s footsteps. She’ll be entering her Junior year in August and is pursuing a degree in Marketing from Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. Audrey was really into science and engineering when she was in high school, but she wanted to pursue a career in something more people-oriented, so she found marketing. “I love that it’s about understanding people and how they think and what motivates them,” she said about what drew her to marketing. “And I also really like that it’s creative and that it’s always changing.” Audrey is specifically interested in Sports Marketing, and she also has a dream of one day becoming a Sports Agent. “I love the atmosphere at sporting events,” she said, explaining her love for sports. “So many people coming together to all watch the same thing at the same time…even if they’re on two different sides. And I think it’s really cool that so much goes on behind the scenes to make it happen. I want to learn more about that.” Audrey has already gained loads of experience in sports media and sports marketing from her work opportunities at Notre Dame, working with Fighting Irish Media and interning with the Steelers last summer. When City Mission’s Internship opportunity showed up in her inbox, she felt compelled to respond. “I had a lot of sports marketing experience at Notre Dame, and I wanted to try something different,” she said, “to learn another side of marketing.” During her brief time here at City Mission, she has already proven to be a very capable employee, a very hard worker, and a very quick learner. She listens well, communicates clearly, and approaches challenging projects with confidence. Thank you, Audrey, for everything you are doing for City Mission! Fast Facts about Audrey… Favorite Sport Football Favorite Sports Team Steelers Favorite Ice Cream Cookies and Cream Favorite Music Taylor Swift Favorite Movie “I always fall asleep in movies. I’m a terrible movie person. But Soul Surfer is probably my favorite.” Favorite Food Seafood or Pasta Favorite Restaurant The Melting Pot – “It’s a fondue place. It’s so good. And it’s interactive. It’s my go-to for Birthday dinners.” Favorite Vacation Spots Turks and Caicos Chincoteague Island, VA

Empowerment Through Work

Joe working
July 2, 2024

In the heart of City Mission lies a transformative space known as the Career Training and Education Center (CTEC). Here, amidst the challenges of homelessness, addiction, and chronic health issues, our residents find hope for the future through job training and education. The CTEC's mission is clear: to support our residents in their efforts to find fulfilling and sustaining work in their journey toward stability and independence. “We try to give our residents the resources to help them make better decisions,” said Brianna Kadlecik, City Mission’s Manager of Career Services, “And all of that happens before they even start their job search. It’s about giving people the power to do something for themselves. Sometimes that takes therapy, counseling, resources, medication, training, documentation, or a deeper spiritual walk with God. But all of those skills that they learn here at the Mission carry through the process of getting a job and help them to keep the job once they have it.” Getting Ready for Work “We empower our residents for work by focusing on what they do well instead of on what they can’t do,” Kadlecik explained. “We use their strengths to work on and build up the areas where they struggle or the things they aren’t doing as well.” We conduct strengths-based career assessments, provide work readiness opportunities, offer resume-building assistance, and connect residents to job training services to prepare them to find and to keep a meaningful career they can be proud of. • Vocational Training Programs: Within the past year, City Mission has connected residents to training opportunities in various fields such as CDL (Commercial Driver's License), paralegal studies, and phlebotomy. These programs equipped our residents with in-demand skills, thereby increasing their employment opportunities. • On-the-Job Training: Residents gain practical experience as part of our work readiness program, by working in different departments within the Mission, including the kitchen, maintenance, janitorial, administration, career center, and development. This hands-on training helps residents develop both job-specific and soft skills. “The goal of our work readiness program is to allow residents to contribute to the work of the Mission,” explained Kadlecik, “and help them develop skills and experiences that will help them in their work journey moving forward.” • Certifications: Through partnerships with local organizations, City Mission offers certifications that can significantly enhance employability. Residents can earn certifications like ServSafe Food Handler, OSHA 10, Forklift operator, and other advanced certificates, which can lead to higher wages and better job prospects. • Career Support Services: The Mission assists residents with resume-building, online job searching, and securing necessary identification documents such as birth certificates, social security cards, and state IDs. This support is crucial for residents to successfully apply for jobs and benefits. Last year, we assisted 129 residents in securing jobs, facilitated the acquisition of 484 ID cards, and helped residents obtain 911 certifications. This year, we are thrilled by our growth and remain committed to fostering relationships with local businesses and volunteers. Here’s Why We Do It… “It’s about relationship-building from the start,” said Kadlecik. “If our residents learn to trust you in the beginning with small things like getting a drivers’ license or an ID, then they can trust you in the big things, like career advice. If they trust enough to ask for help and then they receive help, they begin to see more potential in themselves – that they can do more than they ever thought they could.” Dignity and Purpose Providing work opportunities at the Mission for our residents instills a sense of dignity and purpose. When they can contribute positively to the family here at the Mission through meaningful work, they experience a restoration of their value and self-worth. Once they move on to a job outside of the Mission, that sense of dignity and purpose goes with them and empowers them to take their work seriously and to want better for themselves. This sense of dignity and purpose can lead them to recognize and appreciate the divine purpose for their lives, bringing them closer to God as they align their actions with His plan for them. Community and Fellowship Employment and job training programs often foster a sense of community and fellowship among the homeless population. As they work alongside others, share experiences, and support each other in their journey towards stability, they experience a deeper connection with their fellow human beings. This sense of community mirrors the biblical concept of fellowship and unity among believers, which helps our residents gain a greater understanding God's love for His people and the importance of mutual support and encouragement for the community. Stewardship and Gratitude Employment and the ability to earn a living allow the homeless to be good stewards of the resources God has provided them. As they learn to manage their finances, make responsible choices, and contribute positively to society, they develop a sense of gratitude for the blessings in their lives. This gratitude fosters a closer relationship with God as they recognize His provision and blessings, leading them to trust in His faithfulness and guidance in their journey towards self-sufficiency and spiritual growth. “My first job is to love,” Kadlecik said. “We can do nothing greater than to love. Our residents learn to love themselves, because we show love to them before they even love themselves. Then, they learn to make healthier decisions, because they actually care about themselves and they can begin to invest in a future that really matters. Love is the greatest gift I can give anyone here.” Donate Today With your support, we can continue to help our residents discover sustainable and meaningful careers. Please consider donating today and help us make a difference in the lives of those seeking hope and a better future. Every donation, big or small, helps us fulfill this Mission and bring light to those in need. If you prefer not to make your donation online, you can send it by check to the following address: 84 W. Wheeling Street, Washington, PA 15301. If you have any questions, please call us at: (724) 222-8530. Thank you for your generosity and support!

"A Safe Space"

June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month
June 27, 2024

Men’s mental health is an extremely important topic, and over the past few years, we at City Mission have seen an increasing need for mental health services for the men who come through our doors. “We’re definitely seeing an increase,” said Peggy Nagy, one of City Mission’s Men’s Housing Coordinators. “And the severity is increasing too. Four years ago, with COVID, a lot of men lost their jobs or became separated from their families and with that they lost their purpose or their identity. And the isolation of that time exacerbated any symptoms of anxiety and depression they may have had the disposition to.” “Unassigned money and unassigned time is the perfect storm for mental health issues,” added Matt Chase, another one of City Mission’s Housing Coordinators for men. “And a lot of people experienced both during COVID. And they’re still feeling the effects of it today.” Men Tend to Avoid Mental Health Treatment According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “6,000,000 men in the United States experience depression each year,” and “nearly 1 in 10 men experience some form of depression or anxiety but less than half seek treatment.” Nagy explains, “Many men avoid dealing with mental health issues, because they don’t want to be seen as weak. And often they can’t identify the source of the problem, so it feels like weakness to them.” “Or it’s just overwhelming,” added Chase. “They don’t know where to start, and they’re not typically in a place in their lives where they know how to advocate for themselves, because they’re just so focused on survival from day to day that they can’t see the big picture.” Connecting to External Supportive Services At City Mission, we’re not a mental health facility, so our job is to connect our residents to outside supports to get them the counseling, therapy, or medication they need. But connecting our residents to outside mental health support can be a significant barrier to the success of our residents who struggle with mental health. “There’s just not enough agencies and services available,” said Chase. “The whole field is underfunded and understaffed. The turnaround time before we can get them the help they need is often difficult. They have to wait sometimes 30 to 60 days.” Safe Spaces A crucial aspect of our care for men with mental health issues is to create safe spaces for them to share their problems, and we advocate for them and build a team around them while we teach them to advocate for themselves. “We hold space for them to lament,” said Nagy. “We create a safe space for them to talk through their problems and learn more about themselves and help them know that they have someone who loves them and will fight for them no matter what.” “We share the gospel always, but we use words only when necessary,” Chase added. “We show them Christ’s love first through our actions.” Sharing the love of Christ with everyone who walks through our doors is crucial to the success of our Mission, and for men struggling with mental health, that unconditional love helps give them the confidence to trust our staff. Building trust or developing that therapeutic alliance with our team helps them know they don’t have to go through this alone. This trust helps them to open doors to their recovery that they have kept shut their whole lives. Grief and Trauma A startling statistic regarding men’s mental health comes from Mental Health America: men are more than four times more likely than women to die by suicide. The National Alliance on Mental Illness explains it this way, “about four out of every five completed suicides is a guy” (If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, dial 988 to reach the Crisis & Suicide Lifeline). Unresolved grief and trauma are very often the basis of mental health issues for men, and often the trauma can be traced all the way back to childhood, so it is so deeply embedded into their everyday lives that they aren’t able to see it as the source of their problems. And that can be extremely scary, because they can’t identify it or control it or even know how to begin the process of dealing with it. That overwhelming sense of confusion can lead to severe embarrassment and shame, which opens the door to depression and anxiety and a host of other mental health issues. It also opens the door to addiction as they try to self-medicate. Surprisingly, drug and alcohol dependency often begins as a solution to a problem, a way of coping with the unseen grief and trauma that is wrecking their lives. Eventually, drugs and alcohol become an even greater problem that creates a destructive spiral. You Can Help At City Mission we offer radical hospitality for those who are hurting, following Christ’s example of meeting people where they are and treating them with dignity and respect no matter what who they are or what they’ve done. You can support our efforts to walk with our residents through the challenges of grief and trauma and help give them the tools to restore their lives. Visit to learn more.

7 Facts About Homeless Veterans

Veteran Resident in his dorm at the Crabtree Kovacicek Veterans House
June 18, 2024

As of 2023, there are approximately 18.3 million veterans in the United States. Despite government efforts to prioritize homeless veterans, on any given night, about 35,000 veterans across the country are still without a home. The failure to support our veterans is painfully evident here in Pennsylvania as well, where, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), veterans make up nearly 11% of the homeless adult population in the state. In terms of homeless veterans, Pennsylvania ranks 8th among other states, falling behind California, Florida, Texas, Washington, Oregon, New York and Arizona. At City Mission, we’re proud of our commitment to help veterans. They served us. Now, let’s serve them. In 2018, we opened the doors to our Crabtree Kovacicek Veterans House, a 22-bed facility built specifically to house our veterans program, led by veterans and designed to meet the specific needs of homeless veterans. This program supports our veterans as they navigate through the most challenging times of the lives, not only by helping to heal their bodies and minds but also by restoring their faith in God. “I thought I came to the Mission because I needed surgery, but God brought me here to learn lessons of humility and faith and trust. The people here have really been a blessing for me. The Mission has helped me to heal, and it has also given me an opportunity to be of service to God by serving others. I’m completely healed now. I feel great. I got my energy back. I couldn’t have done it without God, but City Mission has been the vessel.” -John, US Army Veteran Even though we are excited about our work with veterans, we know there is more work to be done. Here are some facts you should know about homeless veterans and how you can help. Veterans Are More Likely to Become Homeless Veterans are more likely to become homeless than non-veterans. PTSD, substance abuse, and a lack of affordable housing all contribute to this. Although they make up only 7% of the general population, veterans represent about 13% of the homeless adult population. Opioid Addiction Fuels Homelessness Among Veterans Opioid addiction is a significant problem among homeless veterans. Many turn to opioids to deal with pain and mental health issues, but it ends up worsening their situation and eventually destroying their lives. Veterans are twice as likely to die from opioid overdose than the general population. Rising Homelessness Among Female Veterans Homelessness among female veterans has risen sharply, increasing nearly 24% from 2020 to 2023. This highlights the need for gender-specific support. Female veterans face unique challenges, including higher rates of sexual trauma and family instability. At City Mission, female veterans stay in our Women’s shelter or Women with Children Shelter, and they participate in our homeless veterans’ program. Racial Disparities Among Veterans African American and Hispanic veterans are disproportionately affected by homelessness. They face higher risks of mental health and substance abuse disorders, as well as higher rates of homelessness compared to white veterans. Veteran Homelessness Sees Significant Increase Veteran homelessness has spiked significantly, the largest increase in 12 years. There was a 7.4% rise in veteran homelessness from 2022 to 2023. The end of pandemic-related eviction moratoriums and a lack of affordable housing are major factors. Thousands of Veterans Sleep on the Streets Every Night Despite efforts, about 35,000 veterans are homeless on any given night. This shows the ongoing challenge and the need for continued support to address veteran homelessness effectively. Veterans Need Our Help Veterans have given so much to protect our country and the freedoms that make us proud to be Americans. Yet, many face the harsh reality of homelessness when they return to civilian life. Whether due to PTSD, substance abuse, or just a lack of affordable housing, it’s our duty to take care of our former service members and show them the same respect, support, and compassion they showed us through their service. The rising number of female veterans experiencing homelessness and the significant spikes in overall veteran homelessness make it clear: our veterans need our support and by coming together as a community, we can ensure our Vets get the help they deserve. How You Can Help There are many ways to donate to continue to support City Mission’s efforts at the Crabtree-Kovacicek Veterans house. Donate online, by check to City Mission, 84 W Wheeling St, Washington, PA 15301, or call (724) 222-8530 Sources/References:,dramatically%20higher%20rates%20of%20homelessness,by%204%25%20overall%20since%202020.