at a church alter

Hope for the
In Southwestern PA since 1941

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city mission suzanne's success story

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Who we are

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City Mission is a Christ-centered rehabilitative homeless shelter.  

We facilitate the transformation of those who have descended into homelessness, hunger and despair by providing food, shelter, case management, Christian based counseling, and life-changing programming.  

Our goal is to help each person who walks through our doors to become a healthy, productive member of society.

front view of city mission chapel
a beautiful little girl stares at her empty plate

What we do

The City Mission offers two branches of service - Compassionate Care and our Life Recovery Program.

Compassionate Care reaches out to those most in need by offering basic services such as meals, shelter, and medical care.  

The Life Recovery Program assists men, women, and children who are in crisis and looking for life transformation.  

Our philosophy is to meet people where they are and to lead them towards their God-given purpose.

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What you can do

City Mission’s work is only possible by the community and businesses of Southwestern Pennsylvania’s generous donation of time and treasure.  

If you, your business, or church would like to be part of bringing hope to those hurting in our region, or partner with us to deliver the same - please take action today.

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5 youthful volunteers in the cafeteria alongside CEO Dean Gartland
Our Mission
For over 80 years, City Mission has shared Christ, sheltered, healed, and restored the homeless to independent living—without discrimination.  City Mission’s comprehensive program addresses both short-term needs like food and shelter, and long-term needs, including drug and alcohol counseling, mental health and medical treatment, legal aid, and employment training.  Our goal is to help each man, woman, mother with children, or veteran who walks through our doors to become a healthy, productive member of society.  With your help, we help our residents renew their lives.
3 male City Mission Resident give a group hug
female resident
mother with 2 children
Women & Children
group of 5 male veterans in discussion group
Programs & Services Details
Our Impact
Our goal for each person who comes to City Mission is for them to move from a life of crisis, to a healthy, productive and thriving life.  Because of your generosity, City Mission made a real impact in the community, giving hope to those who are hungry and homeless and come to our doors for help.
icon - food / meals
icon - shelter
Nights of Shelter
icon - number of residents
People Served
icon - medical services
Medical Services
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What Our Residents Say

Amanda, female resident
"City Mission is where I finally learned that life isn't totally about me. When I began to put others first, I attained a peace that I never had before."
Former Mission Resident
Randy, former resident
“The Mission gives you the opportunity to get right with the Lord and truly change your life. I’m learning to love myself the way God loves me.”
City Mission Resident
kevin, resident
“This time last year, I was depressed, but today I have hope.  The Mission is a place of restoration.  A place of giving life to the lifeless.”
City Mission Resident
matt, former resident
“When I had nowhere else to go, their doors were open.  They took me in graciously. They’ve given me hope.  I’ve gotten my confidence and dignity back."
Former Resident
Nikki, former resident
“The Mission is a miracle for me. It has offered and given me so much.  There’s everything here you could need to get on your feet and start over.”
Former Mission Resident
Nikki, former resident
“I’m finally happy.  Happy that I restored my relationship with the Lord.  It’s definitely better when you have God on your side.”
Former Mission Resident
Renee, former resident
“The gratitude I have in my heart for this place is indescribable.  It is always going to be apart of my life.  City Mission is forever engraved on my heart.”
Former Mission Resident
Jeff, resident
"City Mission has done wonders for me. It’s really been a God-send. As a vet, it takes me a while to trust people. But God is love, and the City Mission is love."
City Mission Resident

Latest News from the Mission

Our News Articles provide information on all manner of topics related to the City Mission.  Our Subject areas include:  Events; Resident Stories; Our Donors; Newsletter Repository; and Knowledge Share.  Knowledge Share engages a host of topics regarding homelessness, addiction and poverty.  Below you will find an opportunity to be “in-the-know” by being on our email list.  You will also find our most recent news pulled together for you below.  Checkout the "Podcast" section of our Knowledge Share articles page!

Making a Difference

Homeless man
July 24, 2024

5 Ways to Impact Homelessness in Washington, PA Homelessness remains a pressing issue here in Southwestern Pennsylvania, as it does in many communities across the nation. Addressing this issue effectively requires the effort and compassion of the entire community. Here are five ways you can contribute to meaningful change and help those in need right here in Washington, PA. Immediate Actions to Take These actions can provide direct and immediate help to those affected by homelessness in our community: Donating to Local Homeless Shelters When you donate to a local homeless shelter like City Mission, you're making a direct, immediate, and meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families struggling with homelessness right now. Every contribution, whether it's money, clothing, blankets, hygiene products, or non-perishable food, helps our organization provide the immediate support needed by those facing desperate situations. Volunteer Your Time and Skills Lending your time and skills to local shelters or organizations that assist the homeless is a powerful way to make a direct difference. By engaging in activities such as serving meals, teaching classes or Bible Studies, painting, landscaping, stuffing envelopes, or organizing donations, you not only contribute to the immediate needs of the homeless, but you also provide a sense of community, love, and support. Your involvement helps bring essential services to life, ensuring that those who are struggling receive both the tangible help and the human kindness they need. Whether it’s a few hours a month or a more regular commitment, your volunteering can transform lives in profound ways. One small and simple kindness can mean so much more to those in vulnerable situations than you can ever imagine. Support Local Affordable Housing Initiatives Local affordable housing initiatives, like the Washington County Housing Authority, partner with private and public agencies to develop and manage affordable housing opportunities for low-income families and individuals. By advocating for zoning changes, securing funding for new housing projects, refurbishing existing buildings, and other creative approaches, these initiatives work to increase the housing supply for those in greatest need. Long-term Solutions Contributing to these efforts can help support a cooperative and ongoing fight against homelessness: Educational Resources Increase your understanding and ability to help through these educational actions: Enhance Your Understanding of Homelessness Educating yourself about the challenges of homelessness, particularly in Washington, PA, is crucial for several reasons. A deeper understanding helps in developing empathy, promoting informed advocacy, and contributing effectively to solutions. Why It's Important: • Informed Advocacy: Knowledgeable individuals can advocate more effectively for necessary changes in policies and services. • Effective Volunteering: Understanding the complexities of homelessness allows volunteers to offer more sensitive and compassionate assistance. • Community Awareness: Raising awareness about the specific challenges faced by homeless individuals helps to reduce stigma and foster a supportive community environment. Specific Ways to Enhance Your Understanding: • Volunteer: Direct engagement through volunteering offers a hands-on way to understand the needs and daily challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness. • Follow Local Nonprofits on Social Media: Many organizations like City Mission post educational content on social media platforms, youtube, and email newsletters. This is an easy way to stay informed about local efforts and needs. • Attend Local and/or Remote Workshops and Seminars: Participate in events focused on homelessness to learn from experts and practitioners in the field. These can provide current statistics, trends, and discussions on effective interventions. • Read Relevant Literature: Seek out books, articles, and reports that discuss the causes and effects of homelessness, as well as successful strategies for addressing it. Local libraries or community centers often have resources curated to give insights into regional issues. • Join Community Discussions: Engage in or organize public forums and discussion groups that bring together community members to talk about homelessness. This can lead to shared understanding and collective action. Join Our Community Effort Tackling homelessness in Washington, PA, requires a concerted effort from all of us. By engaging in these immediate actions, supporting long-term solutions, and educating ourselves and others, we can make a significant difference. Let’s unite to create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone in our community.

A Community Working Together

City Mission President/CEO, Diana Irey Vaughan, with Washington Mayor, Jojo Burgess
July 16, 2024

Recently, the United States Supreme Court issued its opinion in the case of Grants Pass v. Johnson, which determined that the City of Grants Pass’s enforcement of criminal punishments against homeless individuals for sleeping and living outside within the city limits did not violate the “cruel and unusual punishment” clause of the Eighth Amendment. Previous courts have used the “cruel and unusual punishment” clause to prohibit such bans, so the Supreme Court’s recent decision gives more decision-making power to local communities regarding how they choose to address homelessness.For 83 years, we at City Mission have experienced our local community truly coming together to support the homeless. The City of Washington and the surrounding communities have not only supported our ministry for more than eight decades, but countless other meetings, resources, and services have been created by local agencies to help restore the homeless and those living on the brink of homelessness. And local government officials support these causes, provide additional services, and help facilitate connections among the local agencies. Homelessness is a very complex issue. There is no quick fix. It takes communities working together in lockstep to provide shelter, food, services, resources, help, and safe loving spaces where people can heal. And the Supreme Court’s recent acknowledgement that local agencies and communities are the right places to combat homelessness, doesn’t dissuade us at all from our calling to bring hope to the homeless. We have seen this community in action and that gives us faith that homeless individuals and families in Southwestern Pennsylvania can transform their lives and be restored to dignity, purpose, and independence.

Staff Spotlight

Audrey at her desk
July 11, 2024

Our new friend, Audrey Flanagan, has joined the City Mission team for an 8-week marketing internship in our Development department! Specifically, she is helping us market for our eight City Mission Thrift Stores. We are excited to introduce her to you! Audrey grew up in Imperial, PA. She is very close with her family and loves spending time with them, especially traveling and going to sporting events with her parents and her sister. She graduated from Oakland Catholic High School, where she was a rower on the Crew team and a member of the Student Council Executive Board. Currently, she’s enrolled at the University of Notre Dame, following in her older sister’s footsteps. She’ll be entering her Junior year in August and is pursuing a degree in Marketing from Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. Audrey was really into science and engineering when she was in high school, but she wanted to pursue a career in something more people-oriented, so she found marketing. “I love that it’s about understanding people and how they think and what motivates them,” she said about what drew her to marketing. “And I also really like that it’s creative and that it’s always changing.” Audrey is specifically interested in Sports Marketing, and she also has a dream of one day becoming a Sports Agent. “I love the atmosphere at sporting events,” she said, explaining her love for sports. “So many people coming together to all watch the same thing at the same time…even if they’re on two different sides. And I think it’s really cool that so much goes on behind the scenes to make it happen. I want to learn more about that.” Audrey has already gained loads of experience in sports media and sports marketing from her work opportunities at Notre Dame, working with Fighting Irish Media and interning with the Steelers last summer. When City Mission’s Internship opportunity showed up in her inbox, she felt compelled to respond. “I had a lot of sports marketing experience at Notre Dame, and I wanted to try something different,” she said, “to learn another side of marketing.” During her brief time here at City Mission, she has already proven to be a very capable employee, a very hard worker, and a very quick learner. She listens well, communicates clearly, and approaches challenging projects with confidence. Thank you, Audrey, for everything you are doing for City Mission! Fast Facts about Audrey… Favorite Sport Football Favorite Sports Team Steelers Favorite Ice Cream Cookies and Cream Favorite Music Taylor Swift Favorite Movie “I always fall asleep in movies. I’m a terrible movie person. But Soul Surfer is probably my favorite.” Favorite Food Seafood or Pasta Favorite Restaurant The Melting Pot – “It’s a fondue place. It’s so good. And it’s interactive. It’s my go-to for Birthday dinners.” Favorite Vacation Spots Turks and Caicos Chincoteague Island, VA

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.     — Isaiah 40:31