Between 50-70 women are on our waitlist for shelter. YOU can change that.

Be her hope >>
Help build a new women's shelter.
The homelessness crisis in our community is growing. Women are especially vulnerable. Many struggle with…
Domestic abuse
Childhood trauma
Mental illness
Domestic abuse
Childhood trauma
Mental illness
💔 Domestic abuse
💔 Childhood trauma
💔 Mental illness
💔 Homelessness
💔 Addiction
💔 Domestic abuse
💔 Childhood trauma
💔 Mental illness
💔 Homelessness
💔 Addiction
Be the answer for a woman in crisis. HOPE lives.

You can help build an urgently-needed shelter with more new beds – plus expand emergency and family spaces.
With your help, when a woman experiences homelessness, safe shelter will be available. No waiting list required.
Yes! I’ll help provide shelter.
"I don’t see myself as a failure anymore. Today, I have hope."
– Carmella, City Mission resident
WATCH: The difference HOPE makes!
A History of Care… a Future of Hope
For 83 years, City Mission has been a refuge for neighbors who are homeless – thanks to the generosity of friends like you. In 2023 alone we provided 46,455 nights of safe shelter.
The need for safe shelter among vulnerable women continues to rise – far exceeding our capacity. Between 50-70 women are now on our standby list… waiting for a bed.
Your gift today will help expand shelter for women in need – so no daughter, mother or grandmother has to wait any longer to feel safe. Let's get rid of our shelter waiting list for good.
Here’s the plan: Build a 50-bed homeless women’s shelter where vulnerable women can find safety and much-needed resources in their time of greatest need.
"City Mission saved my life. It made me a better person and a better mother.
– Autumn, City Mission resident.
You can be the answer for a woman in crisis.
We have reached $5.6M of our $7.1M goal!
You help meet critical needs
Recovery is only possible when a person’s immediate needs are met. Our Compassionate Care services include meals, shelter and medical care.
You help transform lives
We meet people where they are on their journey. Whatever they’re struggling with, our life recovery programs offer comprehensive care and hope for the future.