4 Ways YOU Can Help City Mission Restore “HOPE FOR THE HOMELESS”

Help those coming to the mission find hope for a better life
When thinking about resolvinghomelessness for those experiencing it, we can EASILY get overwhelmed as welearn that there are so many issues that lead to being homeless. Someone experiencing homelessness is not justsuffering from a single issue but a tangled mix of issues that need to beworked through specific to the individual. That is why your partnership with City Mission is so IMPORTANT! With your help, together we can help thosecoming to the mission find hope for a better life. Here are 4 ways you can help:
DONATIONS: Your gifts can come inmany forms. All are put to use to helpthe homeless.
Financial donations are crucial to keeping thedoors open and lights on, but it also means being able to offer personalizedcase management to our residents helping them get what they need to find a lifewith purpose. Financial donations cancome from many sources besides a checking/savings account. Assets from Donor-advised funds, stocks,bonds, mutuals funds, wills, trust, or bequests are other ways to help that mayalso provide some tax benefits.
Food, Clothing, and Shoes are accepted. You can find a complete list of items we accept for donations here. Food can beused by our kitchen serving meals to our resident and the community or givingout in our community pantry called Samaritan Care Center. Clothing and shoes can be worn by residentswho have very little; are collected at our warehouse and distributed to ourstores, giving work training opportunities to our residents; and are sold atour Thrift Stores, raising money to support the Mission’s life-changingprograms.
SHOPPING: But wait there is morehere too!
City Mission has seven thrift stores and an ebay store to which 100% of the proceeds go to support City Mission.
Amazon Wishlist is a great way to get muchneeded goods directly sent to the mission from the comfort of your home.
VOLUNTEER: We know your time is a valuable asset! So we can put it to good use helping thehomeless!
HOST A FUNDRAISER: There are so many ways you can create yourown fundraiser for proceeds going to help the mission.