Shop for a Cause: How to Give Back While Shopping Online
Make a difference by buying something you need on Amazon or Ebay and helping someone else in need.
According to census data over 2.14billion people bought items online in 2021. Many of us have changed our ways of shopping due the pandemic, or maybejust because of the plain ease of it all. But ever think about the impact you make if you also purchased in waysthat help local charities? “Shopping fora cause” isn’t a new concept. But itreally can make a difference buying something you need and helping someone elsein need.
Many of these programs aretargeted to national charities, but here are some thoughts on if you want tohelp local ones like City Mission:
Amazon Smile Program: By using this program site, you get the “same products, same price and sameservice” PLUS City Mission is offered as a charity to select in program to getthe 0.5% Amazon donation.
City Mission Wishlist: Want to send the mission goods we neednow? City Mission’s Wishlist on Amazonis a great way to do just that. You makethe purchase and the items are sent directly to the mission.
City Mission Ebay Store: You can find great items here changed outfrequently, all while 100% of proceeds go directly to mission. You cannot gowrong! You find that unique items you’vebeen searching for, all while helping the mission.
Any help you give to City Mission goes a long way to providing“Hope for the Homeless”! But maybe youjust want to get out of the house and shop the “old school” way. Our thrift stores are ready for you toventure out and see all the great finds in person, “THRIFT WITH A PURPOSE!” is a greatway to get deals and make a positive impact for those in need. Want to see firsthand some of the items anddeals found at City Mission Thrift Stores, watch this: