Common Ailments Among the Homeless

Hope for the Homeless

How You Can Help

The homeless population in Pennsylvania is recorded to be over 13,000 people. This includes families, veterans, young adults (aged 18 to 24), and those experiencing chronic homelessness. These are people who may be experiencing problems like lack of affordable housing and poverty, among other things. This is a serious problem, but you can help. 

Homelessness also brings about serious consequences to overall health and well-being. And as it is very likely that those who are experiencing homelessness would not be able to afford healthcare, the smallest gestures and assistance can go a long way. As Director of Residential Programs, Leah Dietrich explains, "One of the largest challenges is access. Homeless individuals are often transient and can't consistently access healthcare and mental health treatment. It takes time and resources like insurance and transportation. Many times, individuals will feel they have no options beyond emergency care, which doesn't allow for underlying concerns to be addressed as would be covered in a PCP or counseling appointment." One way you can help is by learning about the pervasive health issues among the homeless and understanding what you can do. 

Common Ailments 

It is very common for people experiencing homelessness to fall ill as they are exposed to increased stress, have unstable sources for food, and stay in unsanitary living conditions – all with limited access to healthcare. Here are the common ailments for those experiencing homelessness: 

Wounds and Skin Infections 

This can happen to people who have no homes because they are often outdoors and exposed to the elements. In turn, this leaves them vulnerable to wounds which can lead to infections if not cleaned and treated properly. 


When someone is homeless, they might not have a steady source of food. This can lead to them not eating enough or having access to food with enough nutrients to keep them healthy. That is why they are more susceptible to malnutrition. This problem can lead to more (chronic) health issues, such as liver disease, heart disease, and secondary malnutrition in the long run if not addressed. 


People experiencing homelessness who contract hepatitis tend to struggle to get the right treatment. "Hepatitis C cases occur consistently in our population. Lack of access to testing can often lead to positive cases going untreated. Individuals with hepatitis C can develop cirrhosis or scarring of the liver over time. As a part of our intake, we screen for Hepatitis C and connect anyone with a positive test to Central Outreach for treatment. This partnership also provides us with the testing supplies for HIB testing," Dietrich says. The CDC also recommends greater access to vaccines to control hepatitis from spreading. 

Mental Health Problems 

Homelessness can also cause extreme stress, trauma, anxiety, and depression. These are serious mental conditions that, if not tended to, can cause physical manifestations. Another way mental health struggles are apparent in those who experience homelessness is when substance abuse enters the equation. Dietrich explained how addiction can develop in our residents: "Self-medication often occurs unintentionally as substances seem to take pain away or give a leveling-out effect, and then the addiction takes off. Other times, our residents are introduced to medications that become habit-forming after surgery, and then the addiction grows." In many cases, seeking psychiatric care might be difficult due to reasons like cost, stigma, and inaccessibility. 

How You Can Help 

Give Donations 

Community lawyer Diane O'Connell says that donations allow the homeless to maintain their autonomy, and that providing them with living essentials preserves their dignity. Because people experiencing homelessness often lack a steady source of income, they may not be able to acquire essentials like food, clothes, or medicine. Being able to supply these basic needs may be able to tide them through tough times. These donations may seem like a simple act, but they make a huge difference, especially since the transportation to acquire such resources may be difficult to find. 

Connect them to a Medical Professional 

Being able to give medical care to the homeless is another way you can assist them. Though healthcare can be expensive, some places and people offer their services pro bono or at discounted rates. There are many resources on the internet to be able to find these services too. Most people who experience homelessness can gain access to the internet via community resources such as libraries, shelters, and charities. They can go online and contact these health professionals found by you. Online, they can consult with nurses with doctorate degrees who are specially trained in advanced medical issues. More importantly, these nurses have adequate public health experience, so they not only treat ailments at a surface level but also address the health implications of homelessness. Similarly, they can also consult with a charity physician if their sickness requires more complicated treatments like surgery. In order to help them, you will have to set up the online meeting and guide them through it. But by simply giving them the chance to speak to a medical professional you will be offering a great service. 

Specifically, people who are homeless can get in touch with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC). Dietrich highlights how these centers are "federally funded to allow for an access point for the uninsured and underinsured in the community. They serve as a bridge for the homeless and other underserved individuals to the healthcare system. Because of the transient nature of the homeless, medical providers can become frustrated with the lack of follow-up from the patient, but FQHCs and their providers are more flexible and understanding. Our relationship with Centerville Clinics has allowed our residents to build their comfort with medical providers and discover and address underlying conditions in a safe environment." 

Doing Volunteer Work 

If you are looking for ways to be proactive in helping those who are homeless, volunteering is a great way to do so. You can volunteer for organizations like City Mission whose main goal is to care for homeless people as they aim to make a real difference in their lives. These organizations may do different things like offer shelter, have soup kitchens, and hold fundraisers intended to help those in need. By joining, you can assist them in these charitable efforts and initiatives in your community.

Helping out those who are affected by homelessness is extremely important and necessary. These are people whose circumstances may be dire and the little bit of assistance you give can go a long way.

Written exclusively for

Written by Jessie Calix

September 30, 2021
None Available
Jessie Calix
Guest Contributor
Jessie Calix is a lifestyle blogger and health enthusiast who graciously researched and wrote this article exclusively for

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Dr. Sally Mounts with Dean Gartland at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for Sally's Sanctuary
September 27, 2024

“Sally Mounts is tenacious in her determination to move the mission forward through her tireless efforts to find funding,” declared Leah Dietrich, City Mission’s Director of Residential Programs. “Her efforts and the work of her team have led to rejuvenating buildings, building new spaces and creating a place where those most in need can call home. She is a tireless advocate for our work and for our team.” With 11 years of dedicated service, Dr. Mounts is officially retiring as City Mission’s Chief Development Officer on September 30. She first started at the Mission as a contracted grants writer. President/CEO, Dean Gartland, quickly noticed her abundant talents and energy, and brought Sally on staff as Director of Development. “Hiring Sally was the best decision I ever made for the Mission,” said Gartland. “Sally was the driving force behind City Mission from a fundraising standpoint.” During Dr. Mounts’ tenure at City Mission, the Mission’s yearly budget grew from $2.5 million to $9 million as the Mission expanded from a 96-bed facility to a 174-bed facility with four distinct shelters, a medical clinic, and a career training and education center. Through it all, Dr. Mounts has been a tireless warrior for City Mission. “I know the Mission has been blessed by Sally’s service in Christ’s name, and I too have been blessed to learn from her vast knowledge and have a great foundation to continue the work for City Mission going forward,” said City Mission’s Director of Development, Trisha Schum. “She has been a mentor that I have learned so much from, and also a great example of how Christ works through people to do His Great Work.” Dr. Mounts, a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army and a former Veterans’ Affairs Program Director with a PhD in Psychology from Yeshiva University, has proven to be an incredible asset to City Mission. Her energy, compassion, and leadership has inspired those around her. “Sally is a unique and caring person with a strong dedication and love for the Mission,” said Chris Rogers, City Mission’s Event Manager. “Her kindness and generosity show through in everything she does. I have learned so much from her.” “Working with Dr. Sally Mounts,” added Major Donor Officer, Shelby Lonce, “has been an extraordinary privilege. Her deep compassion, Christ-centered leadership, and relentless dedication to helping those in need have made a lasting impact on both City Mission and me personally. She is not only an exceptional professional but also a mentor and friend who inspires me daily with her kindness, wisdom, and unwavering faith.” Dr. Mounts’ hard work, enthusiasm, and devotion to the Mission has not gone unnoticed, and her legacy of faith and hard work will carry on. “Sally’s House,” the Mission’s new home for their women’s next-step program will bear her name moving forward as well as “Sally’s Sanctuary,” which will be the name of the Mission’s new 50-bed women’s shelter, which is currently under construction and is scheduled to be completed in July of 2025. Trisha Schum has been selected as Director of Development to carry on Dr. Mounts’ legacy. Schum was previously Director of Marketing and Communications at City Mission, and she brings to this position experience, including a vast marketing background in a variety of industries. She has managed such brands as Rubbermaid, Foodsaver, Ball canning jars, Glidden paint, and American Greetings over her career. Schum certainly has large shoes to fill, but she brings experience, determination, and a passion for the work of City Mission. Along with the Mission’s Development team, she will lead the charge to carry on the torch that Dr. Mounts has kept lit for over a decade.

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Dean Gartland at City Mission Chapel in 2023
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Donor-Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds
September 13, 2024

Donor-Advised Funds are the fastest growing charitable vehicle in the United States, because they are one of the easiest and most tax advantageous ways to give to the charities you care about. A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is an investment account dedicated to your philanthropic causes, or a fund that serves as your own personal foundation. DAFs are managed by sponsoring organizations, which are themselves tax-exempt organizations. DAFs provide donors with long-term, strategic options for planning their philanthropy.Here’s how a DAF works:• A donor makes an irrevocable gift to a DAF and takes an immediate tax deduction. The charitable assets now legally belong to that DAF’s sponsoring organization. The donor (you), and other named individuals, become DAF advisors.• The DAF advisors (you) recommend how the assets are invested, and the assets continue to grow tax-free. You can donate ash, stocks, or non-publicly traded assets.• The DAF Advisors (you) also recommend grants to the non-profits they wish to support.• The sponsoring organization confirms that these non-profits are eligible, then issue grants to the recommended charities.All DAFs require a minimum balance to open the account, which can be as low as $5,000. Specific policies vary by sponsoring organizations---most donors weigh their options before deciding whether they want to enter a community foundation, a single-issue organization, or a national organization, such as Vanguard Charitable to sponsor their investments.

Roots of Recovery

One on One session with Resident
September 13, 2024

Please check out our new Podcast episode, “Addiction or Disease? Pt. 2,” which released this past week. In this episode, our President Emeritus, Dean Gartland, along with co-host Leah Dietrich, our Director of Residential Programs, discuss the roots of recovery. There are many different paths that can lead to homelessness. Every single person we serve has a unique story; however, nearly 85% of our residents struggle with some form of addiction. One crucial step that we at City Mission take alongside those we serve is helping them to identify all of the factors that led them down the road to addiction so that they can move forward in their recovery with confidence. “You have to discover the origins of the problem first,” said Dietrich. “Then you can create a strategy for doing things differently and making different choices.” Gartland explained that the cycle of addiction almost always starts with some kind of pain or trauma, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or any other type of pain. “To make the pain go away,” said Gartland, “they will reach out for an addictive agent. It might be work or food or sex or drugs or alcohol or dependent relationships. These addictive agents can make you feel a little bit better for a moment, but they usually end up producing negative consequences, which leads to shame and guilt, which results in more pain and low self-esteem, which leads right back to reaching out for that addictive agent again. And the cycle just goes on and on and on.” Most of the residents we serve at City Mission are in the process of understanding how to get off of that cycle. Many of them have lost absolutely everything in their lives that they love through their addiction. They’ve lost all hope and motivation, they’ve lost their homes, jobs, clothes, relationships, and even identification forms like birth certificates and drivers licenses. “These are things they wouldn’t normally leave behind,” explained Dietrich. “But holding onto things is no longer their focus. They are in survival mode.” Their addictions have left them in such a state that they struggle from desperate moment to desperate moment, forced over and over again to make impossible decisions, which can lead them to more shame and guilt and right back into their addiction to help them mask their pain. At City Mission, we help those who are trapped in addiction to find glimmers of hope and to build structures in their lives to make recovery sustainable. “We help them to build relationships that can help guide them out of that cycle of addiction,” Dietrich explained. “Those might be physical relationships with friends and mentors who encourage and uplift them or it could be a spiritual relationship with Christ, whose love can truly transform lives. Introducing them to Christ can often be the turning point in their lives.” But life transformation doesn’t happen overnight. “It can take years and years for someone’s life to fall into addiction and homelessness,” Dietrich said. “So it takes time to pull things back together. That can be overwhelming. You don’t know where to start. You don’t know what to say. You might need someone to hold your hand and walk through those situations with you at first.” And that’s exactly where City Mission comes in. We provide love and support and acceptance during the most difficult and vulnerable times in someone’s life – reflecting the love and mercy that Christ has shown to each and every one of us in our darkest moments when we cry out to Him. You can help change lives by partnering with us to reach out to those who are hurting and have lost all hope. Visit for more information about how you can help.

Extending Hope

Jason Johnson with Residents
August 29, 2024

Our outreach programs are designed to provide immediate assistance and long-term support, reflecting our commitment to uplift our community members. What is Community Outreach? The focus of community outreach is to connect with the broader community and provide support to as many people and in as many ways as possible. These initiatives aim to extend the reach of our services, bringing aid, education, and support directly to those who need it most. Community outreach helps us build a network of support for those in need and to connect them with services and resources they need to maintain their independence and avoid falling into homelessness or addiction. City Mission’s Community Outreach Services Meals Every day, we provide nutritious meals to anyone experiencing hardship in the region. This foundational support addresses immediate needs that often prevent individuals from overcoming personal crises. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a person must have confidence that their basic needs will be met before they can begin to work on higher order tasks like finding employment or rebuilding relationships. Ensuring that basic needs are met lays the groundwork for individuals to focus on recovery and stability. Samaritan Care Food Pantry Center Located at 84 W. Wheeling Street, our Samaritan Care Food Pantry Center is a vital resource for low-income individuals and families. Here, food assistance is provided once a week per family, allowing them to shop with a volunteer in a dignified manner. The center operates every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, ensuring families have regular access to essential food items, clothing, and hygiene products. For more information, community members can contact the center at (724) 222-8530 ext. 266. WeCare Street Outreach Program Led by Dr. Monica Speicher and a dedicated team of healthcare professionals, our WeCare Street Outreach Program provides medical care to the unsheltered homeless in the community. Services include chronic disease management, care for acute bacterial and viral illnesses, flu shots, diabetes care, education, and more. Additionally, supplies such as food, clean socks, blankets, and clothing are distributed, along with medications for the uninsured and underinsured. This program exemplifies our commitment to comprehensive care, addressing the homeless's physical and emotional needs. The Importance of Community Outreach Community outreach is crucial for several reasons: • Raising Awareness: Through outreach, we help community members connect to services and resources that they would otherwise never knew existed. Service providers like Gateway Health, Dress for Success, Blueprints, and Washington County Human Services among others often come to our campus during our Samaritan Care hours to connect with those who use our services and help them understand the options that are available to them. • Reaching the Unreachable: Outreach programs are crucial for reaching individuals who might not seek help due to barriers like stigma, lack of awareness, or logistical challenges. By taking services to them, we ensure that assistance reaches those most reluctant or unable to come forward. • Building Community Ties: Outreach strengthens community ties and builds networks of support that can lead to innovative solutions for complex social issues. By involving local businesses, government agencies, other nonprofits, and citizens in our efforts, we create a collaborative environment that promotes shared responsibility for community welfare. This collective approach enhances the effectiveness of individual programs and contributes to a healthier, more resilient community. Biblical Foundations of Outreach Our outreach philosophy at City Mission is deeply rooted in the teachings of Christianity, reflecting the call to serve and uplift the most vulnerable in our society. The Bible encourages believers to act as stewards of compassion and love, emphasizing the importance of helping those in need. In Matthew 25:35-40, Jesus teaches, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." These verses highlight the Christian duty to care for the less fortunate, viewing such acts of kindness as service to Christ Himself. Support Our Outreach The success of City Mission's outreach programs relies on the generous support of the community. Here's how you can make a difference: • Volunteer: Your time and skills are invaluable. Join us in our dining hall, medical clinic, or at the Samaritan Care Food Pantry to offer direct assistance to those in need. • Donate: Contributions of food, clothing, hygiene products, and financial donations are crucial to sustaining our programs. Every donation, big or small, helps us continue our mission. • Participate: Engage with City Mission by attending community events and fundraisers. Your participation supports our efforts and helps raise awareness about the issues we address. City Mission's outreach programs are vital to the Washington community, providing essential services that meet immediate needs and foster long-term stability and health.

Staff Spotlight

Vic with a resident
July 31, 2024

I’d like to introduce you to our new Childcare Coordinator, Vic Schalk. Vic has a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern Maine. She grew up in rural Maine and was very close to her family. In March of this past year, she made the choice to move to our area. “It was a leap of faith,” she explained. “It was a difficult choice, but it was the right thing. Everyone here at the Mission has been so supportive, helpful, and welcoming. And I really needed that support. It’s made a big difference to me.” When she first moved here, she was applying for jobs in the Occupational Therapy field, but she wasn’t getting any callbacks. As she was sitting in the Canonsburg Library one day, trying to figure out what she was going to do for work, she watched a group of little kids walk by in their tiny backpacks, and she suddenly realized that working with our kids here at City Mission was right where she needed to be. “I think it was the tiny backpacks that got me,” she laughed. She had previously worked with kids at a Day Care and Pre-school when she was in college, and she said, “Ok, let’s give this another try. I prayed, the door opened, and I walked through. Our life sometimes comes as a surprise to us, but it never comes as a surprise to the Lord.” In her previous jobs as an Occupational Therapist, she was doing a lot of good work, working with adults with disabilities who want to continue living at home instead of moving into an assisted living facility. She would create home care programs for them and manage their supports in order to keep them in their homes. “There were people who had so many problems,” she said of her previous jobs, “and I would offer solutions, but in my role, I wasn’t really allowed to offer them Jesus. There are lots of short-term solutions, but ultimately Jesus is the only way we can overcome our problems. And here at City Mission it literally says, ‘Jesus Saves’ on the front of the building. It’s pretty amazing what the Mission does, sharing Jesus as the cornerstone of recovery. As long as we continue to put Jesus first, it will continue to bear fruit in people’s lives.” As City Mission’s Childcare Coordinator, Vic watches the children who live in our Women with Children shelter while their moms are working on their recovery: taking classes, going to appointments or meetings, participating in recovery programs, looking for work, or just taking time to work on themselves. “I’m enabling the moms to focus on what they need to do to get stable, so they can be in a better place for themselves and their kids,” Vic explained. But she’s also ministering to the children. “I try to create a safe and stable place for the kids,” she said. “I try to model calmness and consistency for them. I try to teach them to be kind and to be good friends to each other and to treat others the way they want to be treated. I try to instill those things into them.” It’s important to Vic to be in constant communication with the moms about what happens in the childcare area. “At lunchtime, I go and sit with the moms and connect with them. I need to be accountable to them about what’s going on here,” she said. “I try to keep an open communication with them and keep expectations for their kids consistent. I really listen to what the moms have to say, and I’m very open to what they tell me about what works for their kids and what doesn’t work.” It's also really important to Vic to use local resources to help give the kids meaningful and memorable experiences. Recently, she has started taking the kids down the street to Firefly Gardens, a small green space located in the heart of downtown Washington. It provides an opportunity for our kids to get out in the sun and play in the dirt and the grass. “There are spaces out in the community that can be enriching for our kids in ways that we don’t have for them here on campus,” Vic said. Her favorite thing about her job is all the growth that she gets to see every day – the growth in all the little kids that come to City Mission’s childcare area, but also growth within herself. Some Fast Facts about Vic Hobbies Reading, writing, paddleboarding at Peters Lake, and sewing. She recently pulled her sewing machine out of storage, and she’s ready to get to work. Favorite Books Persuasion by Jane Austen Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott Favorite Kids Book The Mysterious Benedict Society (she used to work in the Children’s section at the library) Favorite movies Star Wars – all the Star Wars movies and tv shows Favorite tv shows Great British Baking Show Favorite Vacations Weekend trips to Acadia National Park A family vacation to Singapore