Your Kids Can Be Mish Kid "Fun"raisers this Summer!

Kids Helping City Mission Residents Through "Mish Kids" Program
Here's how with our Mish Kids "Fun"raiser Program...
Your kids can choose one of our fundraising ideas...Lemonade Stand, Bake Sale, Car Wash or Yard Sale. Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpap can pick up a Mish Kid "Fun" raising Kit at City Mission. Call at (724)-705-7122. Please provide your email address, so we can send you a digital copy of your event flyers.

Your kit will contain everything you need for your specific "fun" raiser event. A “How to Be a MISH Kid "Fun"raiser instruction booklet is included. You can download the PDF here if you want to.
Your kids may come up with their own idea to help feed homeless men, women and children. That's Okay!
Just let the City Mission Staff know, so that we can design your flyers and posters specifically for your event.
Choose a date to hold the "fun" raiser and let us know so we can post it on our City Mission Facebook page .
Then spread the word! Take your event flyers to your church, around your neighborhood, to your sports practice or dance class. Post the flyer on Facebook so all your friends know about it, too. Maybe you can ask area businesses to post a copy of your flyer on their window, too.
Let everyone know that your "fun" raiser is to help homeless men, women and children in Southwestern PA, and that all profit will go to City Mission.
Remember to take lots of pictures and post it on Social Media with the hashtag #mishkid and @citymission1941.
When your event is over, count the money and take out the start-up change you put in the cash box. Call the City Mission Development Department and schedule a time to drop off your donation.
At the end of the summer all of the "fun" raisers will come to City Mission's MISH Kid "Fun"raising Lunch and be recognized and thanked with a MISH Kid plaque!
On behalf of the men, women and children who come to City Mission for help, Thank You!
Have fun with your #Mishkids "fun" raiser!