In 2014, City Mission embarked on a capital campaign to build a shelter for homeless veterans. Unfortunately, a devastating fire in June 2015 destroyed the four men’s dormitories, kitchen, dining facility, medical clinic, program offices, training rooms, and chapel.
Since that time, City Mission has spent more than $11 million to rebuild the campus and meet the needs of a growing opioid and homelessness crisis in Pennsylvania. The use of federal New Market Tax Credits enabled City Mission to finish construction, continue uninterrupted services, and expand to meet the growing needs of the homelessness crisis.
The destruction caused by the fire created a mandate for quick funds to rebuild lost shelter beds and facilities. At that time, $3.4 million of debt was assumed to fully meet the needs of clients. With the current numbers of homeless men, women, and children continuing to grow in our community, the debt service is now preventing City Mission from providing critical ministry to our neighbors in crisis.
With your support, more people can get off the streets, out of addiction, and onto a path of healing, independence and hope.
The effectiveness and outcomes of City Mission programs and services are primarily addressed through four key operations:
Single Women with Children Shelter
Expanded in 2018 from 16 to 46 beds to meet more needs in our community. Current capacity is stretched every month and today over 60 women remain on the waiting list.
Veteran's Shelter
Veterans who stayed over 90 days show an average of 78% success in the areas of housing, employment, income, recovery and spirituality compared to an average success rate of 27% at other homeless shelter substance abuse treatment centers.
Men's Shelter
Expanded in 2018 from 60 to 90 beds and currently operates at 98% full capacity year-round. The typical wait list is 5 to 10 men at any given time. The recovery success rate is 67% overall in substance abuse recovery.
Career Training and Education Center
Focuses on the relationship between joblessness and lack of sustainable housing and their impact on independent living. The Center is vital to the re-entry phase for client independence and has a 66% employment success rate.
We know we can do more.
With God’s help — and yours — we can provide greater hope to the homeless in Southwestern Pennsylvania and beyond. We can provide another bed, another meal, another glimmer of hope, another intervention, and another life transformed through the love of Christ.
Your support helps us restore more lives and guide the homeless and hopeless to a life of independence. To accomplish this, we need your help.
All campaign gifts will go toward the debt reduction until fully retired.
With your generosity we will ensure that our doors will remain open to the homeless, so we don’t have to turn away anyone in need. With your financial help and support, we can restore broken lives and transform them through the love of Christ.
Questions or want more information: Call Judi Kovacicek at 724-222-8530 ext 289, or Dr. Sally Mounts at 724-705-7122,